Possible Adverse Effects PRESERVATIVES PAE = Possible Adverse Effects: ACETYL BENZOYL PEROXIDE: Used in bleaching
flour. Considered Toxic. ALLYL SULFIDE: An artificial flavoring used in food products and beverages. PAE: liver damage
and unconsciousness. ALUMINUM: Large amounts of Aluminum are found in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. Cause and effect
are still being studied. ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE: A fumigate which reacts with moist air to produce highly toxic phosphine.
It is used on processed foods. PAE: convulsions, lung problems, swelling, shortness of breath, vertigo, weakness, coma and
death. AMMMONIUM CHLORIDE: A dough conditioner used in bread and various non-food products. PAE: skin irritant, urinary
acidifier and diuretic, GI upset and acidosis. AMYL ACETATE: Pear and banana oil. Used as a flavoring in drinks and in
various non-food products. PAE: centeral nervous system depression, ingestion, chest pain, headache, fatigue and irriation
to the mucous membranes. AMYL ALCOHOL: An artificial flavoring. Toxic. ASPARTAME: Trade name: Nutrasweet. Artificial
sweetener. Aspartame is about 200 times as sweet as sugar. PAE: may kill clusters of brain cells, promote tumors, nausea,
headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances, fluctuation in blood pressure, confusion, disorientation, seizures, loss of equilibrium,
numbness, muscle aches and inflammation of the pancreas. Asparatame also lowers the acidity of urine. Low acidity creates
an undesireable environment for urinary infections. Anyone with PKU should avoid products containing Aspartame as well as
pregnant women. AZODICARBONAMIDE: A bleaching agent for flour. FDA requests further studies. BENZALDEHYDE: Artificial
almond flavoring. PAE: central nervous system depression and convulsions. BENZOIC ACID: Flavoring preservative. PAE: Allergic
reaction. avoid if aspirin sensitive. BENZOYL PEROXIDE: Used in bleaching flour, milk and other dairy products. PAE: Toxic
by inhalation, skin irritant. BENZYL ACETATE: Used in flavorings. PAE: GI upset, bronchial irritation, skin and eye irritaion.
BLUE NO.2: Coloring: Indigo. From coal tar. PAE: Cancerous tumors in rats. Allergen to some. BORNEOL: Artificial flavoring.
PAE: gastric upset, seizures, confusion and dizziness. BROMATES: Calcium and Potassium. Used in bread making. PAE: Central
nervous system problems, kidney failure. BUTRYIC ACID: Used in flavorings. PAE: Carcinogen in animal studies. BUTYL
ACETATE: Artificial flavoring. PAE: Toxic at 200 ppm (parts per million). BUTYLATED HYDROXYANISOLE (BHA): A preservative
and antioxidant. PAE: Allergic reaction, affects liver and kidney function. A physician has petitioned the FDA to have BHA
removed from food. 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL: A humectant and solvent. PAE: Temporary nervous system stimulation, depression,
gastric upset, drowsiness, respiratory failure, convulsions, kidney damage. Has not been granted GRAS...yet. CALCIUM DISODIUM
EDTA: A preservative and sequestrant. PAE: Gastrointestinal upset, kidney damage, hematuria (blood in urine), muscle cramps.
FDA requests further studies. CAMPHOR OIL: Flavoring. The FDA banned its use in topical preparations for painful muscles.
Poisonings were reported due to skin absorbtion. Fetal deaths have resulted due to mother's ingestion of minute quantities.
CANTHAXANTHIN: Color additive. PAE: Loss of night vision. CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE: A synthetic gum used in various
food products. PAE: Carcinogenic in animal studies. CARRAGEENAN: Stabilizer and emulsifier. PAE: Tumor promoter in animal
studies. CARVACROL: Artificial flavoring. PAE: Respiratory and circulatory depression, cardiac failure. CHLORINE DIOXIDE:
A toxic gas used for bleaching flour. PAE: Mucous membrane, respiratory and skin irritation. CINNAMYL FORMATE: Artificial
flavoring. (Formic acid) PAE: Carcinogen in mice. May affect human kidneys. CITRUS RED NO.2: Color additive. PAE: Clouding
of the eye lens, circulatory collapse and gastric upsets. CLOVE BUD EXTRACT: Natural flavoring. PAE: Rat studies revealed
paralysis of their jaws, hind legs and eventually died. CYANODITHIOIMIDOCARBONATE, DISODIUM: Used in processing sugar
cane. When broken down in the body, toxic cyanide is produced. DEHYDROACETIC ACID DHA: Preservative and antienzyme agent.
PAE: Abnormal kidney function. DIETHYL GLYCOL: Solvent, humectant and plasticizer. PAE: Fatal if ingested, toxic if absorbed
through the skin in significant amounts. DIHYDROCOUMARIN: Flavoring. PAE: Liver damage. M-DIMETHOXBENZENE: Flavoring.
Extremely toxic. PAE: Convulsions. DIMETHYL SULFATE: (Sulfuric Acid/Dimethyl Ester) Used to manufactor flavorings. PAE:
Severe skin blistering, renal damage, coma, paralysis and death. Absorption may cause poisoning. DISODIUM CYANODITHIOMIDOCARBONATE:
Antibacterial agent. Used in processing sugar cane. Cyanide is deadly. DISODIUM EDTA: Preservative and sequestering agent.
PAE: Asthma, allergies, rashes and kidney damage. ETHYL ACRYLATE: Artificial flavoring. PAE: Irritating to the eyes, skin
and mucous membranes. ETHYLMETHYLPHENYGLYCIDATE: Flavoring. PAE: Rat studies revealed retardation, muscle deterioration
and paraylsis of hindquarters. ETHYL NITRITE: Flavoring. PAE: May cause a decrease in oxygen in red blood cells. Low blood
pressure. ETHYL SALICYLATE: Flavoring. PAE: Avoid with medications such as: antidepressants, anticoagulants and Methotrexate.
ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE (EDC): Solvent and wetting agent. A highly toxic carcenogen. PAE: Animal studies revealed it to be
irritating to the mucous membrane, kidney and liver damage, birth defects, brain hemorrhage and death. Ten billion pounds
are produced a year. Found even in breast milk. The WHO, (World Health Organization) feels this product should not be used
in foods. ETHYLENE OXIDE-METHYL FORMATE MIXTURE: Mold inhibitor. PAE: Vapors produced vomiting, eye and mucous membrane
irriation, bronchial and lung irritation and even death. ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRAACETIC ACID (EDTA): Sequestrant and metal
deactivator. PAE: Asthma, rashes, alleries, kidney damage and laboratory errors. EUGENOL: A highly toxic agent derived
from clove oil. PAE: Gastric upset and allergies. Animal studies revealed death due to vascular collapse. FD AND C: (food
drug and cosmeics) Blue No 1: Coloring. PAE: Cancerous tumors in rats. CITRUS RED NO.2: PAE: Coloring. PAE: Carcinogen.
GREEN NO.3: Coloring: Contains iodine. PAE: Carcinogen. Interference with nerve impulse transmission in the brain. FORMALDEHYDE:
Preservative. Used in animal feeds. PAE: Known carcinogen in rats. Mutagen. FORMIC ACID: Used in flavoring. PAE: Carcinogen
in rats. May cause protein in the urine. FURFURAL: Solvent, insecticide, artificial flavorig and fungicide. PAE: Irritates
mucmous membranes and eyes. Headaches and nervous disturbance. FURURYL ALCOHOL: Artificial flavoring. Poisonous. HYDROLYZED
VEGETABLE PROTEIN: HPP. HVP. Flavoring. High glutamate content. PAE: Affects growth. if used in baby food. Needs further study.
HYDROXYLATED LECITHIN: Emulsifer and antioxidant. PAE: Safety still being questioned. ISOAMYL ACETATE: Artificial
flavoring. PAE: Fatigue, headache and mucous membrane irritation. ISOAMYL ALCOHOL: Arificial flavoring. Highly toxic.
PAE: Central nervous system depression, respiratory failure and may cause lung, heart and kidney damage. ISOBUTYL ACETATE:
Artificial flavoring. PAE: Mucous membrane irritation. LEMONGRASS OIL: Flavoring. Known to caue death when ingested. 2-METHOXY-4-METHYLPHENOL:
Artificial flavoring. Highly poisonous. METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE: Artificial flavoring. PAE: Causes nervous system depression
and gastric upsets. METHYL SALICYLATE: Artificial flavoring. Toxic. A-METHYLBENZYL ALCOHOL: Flavoring. Toxic. METHYLENE
CHLORIDE: Solvent. PAE: Liver damage, kidney and nervous system damage, headache, nervousness, tremor, insomnia and cardiovascular
stress. MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE (MSG): Flavor inhancer. PAE: Chest pain, numbness, headaches, depression, irritability, increased
heart rate, pounding heart, skin flushing, tightening of jaw and chest muscles and aggravates asthma in some. Animal studies
reveal brain damage and reproductive dysfunction. MUSK: Flavoring. Those suffering from MS may be interested to know that
musk ambrette is known to damage myelin. Do you remember when Musk perfume was big? MYRISTALDEHYDE: Flavoring agent. Potentially
toxic. NITRATE: Color fixative. PAE: When ingested, nitrates combine with our gastric juices to create a carcinogen. Efforts
to ban have failed. NITRITE: Color fixative. See nitrate. NITROGEN OXIDES: Bleach for cereal flours. A deadly gas.
NITROSYL CHLORIDE: Gas used in bleaching flour. PAE: Inhalation may cause pulmonary edema and hemorrhage. NONYL ALCOHOL:
Flavoring. PAE: Animal studies revealed central nervous system and liver damage. NUTMEG: Flavoring. Can be toxic. PAE:
flushing, irregular heart beat, central nervous system exitation, hallucinations and euphoria. OLESTRA: Fat substitute.
Nondigestable and noncaloric. PAE: Animal studies revealed it to promote tumors. ORIGANUM OIL: Flavoring. Less than an
ounce has caused human deaths. PALMA ROSA OIL: Flavoring. Ingestion of one teaspoon caused illess and as little as one
ounce caused death. PASSION FLOWER: Flavoring. PAE: Depresses the motor nerves of the spinal cord. PENNYROYAL OIL:
Flavoring. Less than one teaspoon has been reported to cause brain damage, gastric upset, bleeding, circulatory collapse,
confusion, deliuium and restlessness. PHENOL: Antiseptic and disinfectant. Highly toxic. PAE: Gastric upset, circulatory
collapse, convulsions, paralysis, coma, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. PHENYL ACETATE: Flavoring. Death has been
reported from less than 2 grams. PHENYLACETALDEHYDE: Flavoring. PAE: Depresses the nervous system and may produce fluid
in the lungs. 3-PHENYLPROPPYL FORMATE: Flavoring. PAE: Protien in the urine. a-PINENE: Flavoring. PAE: Depression
of the nervous system, benign skin tumors and is an irritant to the kidney and bladder. POLYACRYLAMIDE: Thickener and
suspending agent. PAE: Central nervous sysem paralysis and skin irritation. POLYOXYETHYLENE (20) SORBITAN MONOSTEARAE:
Dispersing and emulsifier agents. FDA requested further studies in 1980. POLYVINYLPYRROLIDONE: Used to clarify vinegar.
PAE: Lung and kidney damage. POTASSIUM BISULFITE: See Sulfite. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE: Used in brewing and jelling. PAE:
circulatory collapse, GI upset and weakness. POTASSIUM METABISULFITE: Anitoxidant, preservative and antifermentative.
See Sulfite. PAE: Serious allergic reactions and death. POTASSIUM-N-METHYLDITHIO-CARBAMATE: Used in sugar cane mills to
kill bacteria, on potatoes to prevent sprouting and other products to prevent cell division or mutation. PAE: Cancer and defective
children. PRUSSIATE OF SODA, YELLOW: Anticaking agent. PAE: Prussiate of soda is a salt of hydrocyanic acid which is considred
toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin absorption. PYRIDINE: Flavoring. PAE: Kidney liver damage, loss of appetie, fatigue
and mental depression. PYROLIGNEOUS EXTRACT AND ACID: Artificial flavoring. PAE: vomiting, circulatory collapse and death.
QUASSIA EXTRACT: Flavoring. Toxic. Interestingly enough it is also used to poison flys! RHODINYL FORMATE: Flavoring.
Protein in the urine. ROSEMARY EXTRACT: Flavoring. PAE: illness. An ounce can cause death. SACCHARIN: Artificial sweetener.
Remains on the FDA's list to retest for mutagenic and reproductive effects. They suggest we limit our intake to 15 milligrams
per day for each kilogram of body weight. This is one gram a day for someone who weighs 150 pounds. In 1977 saccharin use
rose to five million pounds per year, the FDA was going to ban it because Canadian studies revealed it caused malignant bladder
tumors in animals. Guess who screamed the loudest? The Calorie Control Council, a trade organization. Sales of Saccharin and
sugar substitutes in '93 totaled more than $230,000,000. No wonder Congress urged the FDA to delay actions! PAE: promotes
cancer. SODIUM BISULFATE: Thickener. See Sulfite. SODIUM BISULFITE: See Sulfite. SODIUM CARBONATE: Nutralizer.
PAE: GI irritation, skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, circulatory collapse and death. SODIUM DEHYDROACETATE: Preservative.
PAE: Kidney problems, vomiting, convulsions and ataxia. SODIUM DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE: Detergent. PAE Vomiting and skin
Water purifying agent and cheese deodorant. PAE: Severe allergic reaction in hypersensitive individuals. High levels may cause
pain, vomiting, loss of consciousnesss, respiratory, circulatory collapse and death. SULFITES: Sulfur Dioxide, Sodium
Sulfite, Sodium and Potassium Bisulfite, and Sodium and Potassium Metabisulfite. Preservative and antioxidant. PAE: Deaths
have been attributed to sulfite agents. May also trigger acute asthma attacks, loss of consciousness, anaphylactic shock,
diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Supposedly banned from use on fresh fruits and vegetables. But, beware of grapes. They gas
every third or fourth batch so they don't have to label them as containing sulfites. If a sulfiting agent is used in a product
in excess of 10 ppm (parts per million), the additive must be declared on the label. SULFUR DIOXIDE: Preservative, disinfectant,
bleaching agent and antioxidant. Highly poisonous. PAE: Irritating and in sufficient concentrations may cause death. TERTIARY
BUTYLHYDROQUINONE (TBHQ): Antioxidant. Death has been reported from ingestion of 5 grams. One gram has produced nausea, vomiting,
clouding of the eye lens, tinitis, delirium and collapse. Manufactureres pushed for its approval and sadly won. 2-4-5
TRIHYDROXYBUTYROPHENONE (THBP): Antioxidant. Used in manufacturing food packaging. FDA requests further study. May not be
listed on labels. VINYL CHLORIDE: A known carcinogen banned from aerosol sprays but used in paper VIOLET NO.1: Coloring:
PAE: Promotes tumors. ----------------------------------------------------------- This material is provided as general
medical information and is not intended as advice for individual patients; please contact your physician for specific recommendations