Once again the so called auditors for the claims centre determined it is to premature to allow the other funds we are
owed to be released till a better pattern of filing and payments is shown. If 5 years into this they are claiming that there
is not suffiecient reasons to release this money then what it tells me is that this claims cengtre is not qualified to be
doing these claims. It means they are more than likely doing this on purpose to stall payments to the women. Bear
in mind this fund is coming up to 5 years with alot of us not paid properly and with the incompetent judge still not making
her ruling on the and or issue which she has also had 5 years to make the ruling. So the way I look at is is the independant
auditors have no intentions of saying anytime soon to release the funds as they are making money from doing this. The claims
centre keeps alot of people employed by not paying these claims out. The judge well she takes her direction from Dow
which is very obvious so don't expect her to get off her ass and make a ruling on something that to me is illegal. Then
we have the claimants committee who is not putting any pressure on this judge to make a ruling so we have to start slamming
them with emails and letters to this judge to get of there butts and do there jobs. There is no representation for
the women, there is no lawyers out there looking out for the women the reason why is they get paid no matter what. Ruptures
are being denied because Dow who is running this lawsuit doesn't want Pierre Blais or Dr guidoins analysis used as it shows
dow for the criminal liars they are. The tort committee well what is there function? Why did we get settlement packages
with the word AND clearly stated in it? Is there a reason the Claimants committee is OK with this judge not ruling? Why
is none of our lawyers getting upset? Did they know the word AND was not the real word used were we lied to in order to get
us to vote yes on this disgusting settlement. Everything seems to be leading to this. Whether some of us were paid
or not does not mean we do not support the women who are being screwed over. If we don't do it no one else will after all
this case has not or ever been about us it has been about the millions paid out to attorneys and others who have profited
of our backs. So we need to start raising this issue until someone offers to help the many women who have not been
paid and those of us who are being screwed over by the non action of the judge and others. Sandra
I seldom link to other sites but once notified of this blog by
a good friend, I felt it critical for women who are facing surgery for breast cancer to be able to read one woman's journey.
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