This call to action is critical to address issues of concern to all participants in MDL 926.
To all current and past participants of MDL 926 and their families:
The Common Benefit Trust has operated under the veil of secrecy allowed by the "judicial exclusion" in the Freedom of Information
Act. The Trust has been funded by a percentage of all settlements from MDL 926, the Private Adjudication Center, and the opt-out
Therefore, how much money is in the fund and how it is spent, IS very much the business of everyone who participated
in MDL 926 and/or their surviving family members.
It is time to ask for that veil of secrecy to be lifted. It is not too late to contact Judge Clemon and Senator Schumer.
As a participant of MDL 926 or a family member of a participant, your input is valuable. The funds in the Common Benefit Trust
have been funded from the illnesses of women harmed by breast implants prior to the initiation of MDL 926. As a participant
or family member, you have a moral and ethical right to know how your funds have been spent. Please write and give your support
to a forensic audit of the Common Benefit Trust.
Whether you understand all the legal procedings that have occurred in the past 15 years or not, please request a full forensic
audit of the Common Benefit Trust.
Address your concerns to:
Sen. Charles E. Schumer
Washington, DC
313 Hart Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6542
Fax: 202-228-3027
TDD: 202-224-0420
Hon. Judge Clemon
United States District Court
Hugo L. Black U.S. Courthouse
1729 5th Ave. North
AL 35203